All posts by edwnew

Second Time Around # 6

 Art Ford and the Night Visitor

Tom Saunders watercolor of Art Ford

The watercolor (above) by Tom Saunders is based on the  photo (below) published in Arnie Passman’s book, “The Deejays,”* But, the woman in the painting is not the woman in the photo.  Explanation, below.

 As WNEW’s first Station Manager, Bernice Judis often dropped in on shows at any time of the day or night. In the photo above, she is seen during an after-midnight visit to “The Milkman’s Matinee” when it was hosted by Art Ford. (1942-1954) In an e-mail to long-time friend, and ‘NEW alum, ABC’s Bill Diehl, Saunders explained: “I read that Bernice Judis was the manager who fired Art Ford for playing too much ‘jazz and international’ music, so I purposely eliminated her and put in a blond groupie instead.” Saunders identified correctly the cause of Ford’s firing, but not his executioner. Judis retired from WNEW in 1954 after 20 years with the station, and about four years before Ford got word while in Europe in April, 1958, that his services were no longer desired.

Continue reading Second Time Around # 6

Second Time Around #5

Taking note of the anniversary of the birth of Nat “King” Cole on March 19, 1919

Nat Cole sings  the WNEW theme. This clip was first published here in March 2015.

The article below was first published here On March 29, 2015.

The audio clip below is from “Julius La Rosa’s syndicated radio series, The Great American Songbook. ” and features excerpts from “Nat King Cole, Live At the Sands.”


Second Time Around #4 – John Crosby


john crosby herald tribuneJohn Crosby, was a  columnist for The New York Herald Tribune from 1935 to 1941 and, after WWII military service, from 1946 to 1965.  

He continued newspaper and novel writing into  the mid-seventies, but is remembered best  as the Tribune’s chief radio/TV critic during the 1950’s.  This line of his about CBS-TV cancelling Edward R. Murrow’s “See It Now,” helps explain why Crosby was so well regarded: “See it Now… is by every criterion television’s most brilliant, most decorated, most imaginative, most courageous and most important program. The fact that CBS cannot afford it but can afford “Beat The Clock,”is  shocking.” Another worthy observation of his concerned WNEW’s new, (1958) full-time news department and its “brash young news staff” whose news coverage was “busting out all over.”  Read on.  

(Click on column to enlarge or use Ctrl +)

John Crosby 1959 column

The image above is a recreation of a 1959 John Crosby column as published in the New York Herald Tribune.  Thanks to Bill Diehl for finding a copy of the original column in February 2012 and to Bob Gibson for the reminder that Mr. Crosby pounded out praise of WNEW on his portable typewriter, 60 years ago this month. E.B.