Category Archives: History

Mission Accomplished-the Vote

Thanks to the concept of early voting, I’m done for another four years in terms of those top of the ticket entries!!

We all, presumably, want a first-rate democracy while maintaining our position as the best and strongest nation on Earth. Of course, how we go about achieving that is at the voting booth where each of us has one, and only one, chance to make our voice heard.

Whenever you do that, make the right choice, and if you’re not sure ahead of time, read and think about it some more, rather than calling a friend, as someone whose opinion you may think is golden, could differ from yours.

Good luck and may the best people win for them, us and the world!

Click-Bob Gibson Bio

Editor’s Note:  Abstention because you don’t like either candidate is not an option. Find something you like about one…or dislike about one-make a choice, and VOTE. It’s your right. It’s your duty.

Image courtesy of Guides.Vote



1968 Convention

As the United States rounds the corner from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, I am reminded of my first Presidential Convention–the 1972 RNC.

My memories, though, contain not one thought of politics or news.  They were filled with dreams of Disney Land, and all points along the way as my courageous mother drove her four-children (between the ages of 10 and 14)  down country from NY to FL to meet up with her husband, our father, who was working the RNC for WNEW.

By stark contrast, please enjoy The Conventions – 1968,
written by Edward Brown.

You will hear the reports and voices of Metromedia Network correspondents Al Wasser, Walter Rodgers, Jeff Kaman, Edward Brown, Dan Blackburn, Mike Eisgrau, Al Wyman and Jay Richards, and Vice President of News, Alan Walden.

MM Radio News – 1968



WNEW Star Power

Here is an amazing photo of some heavy hitters, gathered around the WNEW microphone.

Image courtesy of the archives of Bill Diehl







Louis Prima, Dinah Shore, unidentified woman, Perry Como, Eddie Fisher, Grace Kelly, Ross Martin and Paul Winchel
Image courtesy of the archives of Bill Diehl

Eddie Fisher also photographed in uniform during the Korean War with Edward Brown, circa 1951-1954.





Image courtesy of the archives of Edward Brown

There Used To Be A Radio Station Right Here III

In The Style Of Nelson Riddle (0:32)


Frank Sinatra, Joe E. Lewis, Buddy Hackett, William B. Williams at the Friar’s Club. William B. was a long-time officer of the Friar’s and a personal friend of many entertainers whose shows he hosted.  (photo undated, believed to be from the mid 1960s) 

Photo link for Radio’s First 75 Years, submitted by Bill Diehl

Dinah Shore “You’ll Never Know – (0:37)


News Sounder (:06)

“On The Ballroom’s Revolving Stage”

And Then, There Was . . .

Hop Scotch Polka  (2:45)









There Used To Be A Radio Station Right Here Pt. 2

“It’s Make Believe Ballroom Time”  Glenn Miller with the Modernaires  (2:49)

Variety – December 8, 1945


“Never Have The Blues”  (1:00)

In The Style of Neal Hefti (:20)



“Hello, William B ?” (6:08)


New York Herald Tribune – 1959

It’s Springtime In New York (:46)