Category Archives: Personal

There’s Only One . . . WNEW – continuer

Ed Brown created the blog on April 27, 2009.

Since January 24, 2024, it has been my great honor to keep it running for him, as Editor, after his death in late 2023.

Ed’s first post that April day read,

There’s Only One . . . WNEW

There was a time when most radio stations, no matter how big, were local and part of neighborhood life.  WNEW-AM, where the forms of modern radio were invented and made personal, existed within a community of broadcasters and listeners who shared in life’s events and now, share memories. This blog, exists to collect as many as possible of the bits and pieces of that history. What do you remember? What part of the story can you tell?


Not having Mr. Brown’s wealth of historical and WNEW knowledge, I do plan to draw from his earlier posts, his memories, and even from  commentary archives from the 7PM radio time slot.  These are gems of history, excellence in writing, and many-just plain enjoyable to read.

So, I ask as Ed did, “What do you remember? What part of the story can you tell?”

I am excited to receive your contributions.

We’ve / I’ve got quite a few friends.

A huge thank you to Bill P, Jean, Edw M, Karen, Jeff, Al, Alan, Andy, Bill D, Bob, Mike, and their families, for the many different ways in which you support me, and this site.

Thank you so very much for helping to keep alive and well.





Happy Heavenly Birthday, Edward Brown

Happy heavenly birthday, Edward Brown. Celebrating your life and your exemplary service and commitment to your listeners, and viewers, by bringing the truth of current affairs as only your writing, analysis, and voice could do.  And, from all of us, the world is less bright without your shining light. (Sept 23, 1933 – Sept 15, 2023)

Edward Brown

Brown spent ten years (1965-1975) with WNEW Radio, N.Y. as newscaster and news analyst.  He won AP and UPI awards for his commentaries on Watergate, and other influential issues of the time. Brown made frequent news analysis appearances on WNEW TV’s “10 O’ Clock News, and had assignments to Cuba for the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Viet Nam negotiations in Paris.


Remembering Edward Brown

Today is a hard day as it reminds us all that it’s been a year since we lost you.   A year?   How is that even possible, when each day without you can feel like an eternity. I hope you know how much you are loved and dearly missed.

Edward Brown
Ed & Jean






Edward C. Brown
, of Sun City Center, FL, and formerly of New York, NY, passed away on September 15th, 2023 at his home with his family by his side, a week before his 90th birthday.

Dad’s heart overflowed with kindness, gentleness, caring, giving, love, and humility.
The Family of Edward Brown

I share with you now, a favorite song of Dad’s.

Marianne (Brown) Palmer

Remembering This Site’s Founding Father!!

The ever-pensive and always fair Edward Brown is more than a little deserving of some meaningful ink at this juncture! Though not one to ever call attention to himself, it’s now been exactly one year since we lost this accomplished broadcast journalist, news analyst and friend on September 15, 2023, a week before his 90th birthday.

©ECB Family archives

When it came to getting it said, Ed was a master storyteller, respected by his colleagues, and his listeners and viewers in a nearly half-century career that took him from suburban radio stations on Long Island before he stepped up to New York’s WMCA for a half dozen years and a full decade at WNEW. His tenure at the latter was punctuated by AP and UPI awards, particularly for his commentaries on Watergate. In addition, he made appearances on WNEW Television’s “Ten O’clock News” as an analyst. His superb writing and commanding voice also led to Edward winning a network position as an analyst for NBC’s News and Information Service, a news broadcaster on NBC Radio and an important contributor to NBC Radio’s 1976 election coverage.

Before he and wife, Jean, moved to Florida, Ed did his final news anchoring and on-air writing at WCHL Radio in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Ed’s retirement years were spent in Sun City Center, Florida and it was there, at home, where the spotlight on his labor of love focused on Yes, that is this very site where you are seeing this remembrance and a wholesome outpouring of stories tied to that once-prestigious New York Radio Station.

I am delighted to be among a small group of gifted, retired broadcasters who are privileged to write for this web site and can only hope this flashback would have passed muster with Ed and his daughter, Marianne, who is our Editor!

Bob Gibson


Saluting the Big Fan – Stanley Cozza

Thanks for posting your dad’s wonderful commentary*. I remember its original airing very well. I had just returned to the station after three years in the Army and 16 months with the Metromedia station in Philadelphia, WIP. One of my jobs was writing your dad’s 6:00 and 7:30 newscasts.

I was also a newlywed; my Jersey-girl wife was the daughter of a crusty old Italian-American butcher, Stanley Cozza, who rarely had anything good to say to anyone about anything. He was, however, a

Sharon Cozza Fisher and Stanley Cozza
Sharon Cozza Fisher and Stanley Cozza

long-running fan of WNEW, his loyalty dating back decades, and because I had gone to work for his favorite radio station, I could never do anything wrong.

Over the years, WNEW’s music policy drifted away from the American standards that had made its reputation, and Stanley drifted with it. Fortunately, he didn’t blame me for the changes, and, a decade later in 1979, when the standards returned to the station, Stanley returned with them. The radio in his grocery store in East Orange went on — tuned to WNEW — when he opened the place in the morning, and it stayed there all day. Ted Brown was a special favorite.

By then, I had left WNEW 1130 — but not the premises — to do the morning news on WNEW-FM, working in the same newsroom, if not on the same frequency. When I left at Christmastime in 1981 for NBC, where I would spend the rest of my career, WNEW 1130 had

Ann Reinking

just circulated a snazzy poster with Broadway star Ann Reinking striking a pose, and as a farewell gift, a whole bunch of staffers autographed the back of it, saluting the big fan, my father-in-law Stanley Cozza.

It’s been sitting in a box for lo these many years, but here it is. I have transcribed the autographs from the back of the poster.


Stanly Cozza WNEW signatures

Thanks again, so much, for your loyalty to the station we all loved so much and the staff who made it great.

Best regards,
Andy Fisher

*Editor’s Note: The commentary to which Mr. Fisher refers was posted Feb 6, 2024, and written for broadcast on WNEW-AM February 13, 1970 by Mr. Edward C. Brown.

—   —   —   —


Stanley – Thank you and Merry Christmas – Tom Whalen

Stanley! We like the music here too! (Especially those of us with a little gray hair!) Keep listening – Happy Holidays! Mike Prelee, News Director

To Stanley – The young lady on the other side is Ann Reinking. I’m sending her to you on Arbor Day. Be prepared – William B.

To Stanley You were my “best” call in the past 175 years.  Stay tuned — or come in and work with me!!  Best, Ted Brown

Stanley – Glad you like our station, we appreciate your listening.  Now what can we do about Andy?  Best wishes, Bob Hagen

Stan – My man – I hear that you are cool & dig purple.  Warmest regards Al Jazzbeaux Collins

Stanley – You are obviously a gentleman with cultured taste and refined judgment when you pick a station to listen to… but… have you had a hearing check-up lately? Merry Christmas John Kennelly

From one with ALL gray hair — for Stanley Steamer — Bruce Charles —

To Stanley Cozza… Thanks for listening to our hard-working WNEW news team… Best wishes, Mona Rivera

Dear Stan, In reference to the above by Mona Rivera, the true “hard work” is that of the listener.  You must be a very hard worker.  Best of everything from the Bald One, Charles Scott King

TO STAN – Christmas full time – the year around for you from a part-time milkman – Gordon Hammett


Speaking of Reunions

2011 WNEW 1130 reunion at Trattoria Dopo Teatro in Manhattan. It was a wonderful night, full of blessed memories of when we were all much younger.    <Submitted by Andy Fisher>


From the archives of Andy Fisher




Front row:  Mike Eisgrau, Mike Prelee, Arlene Prelee, Teresa Cambridge-Rice, Barbara Bohannon, Lorry Diehl, Naomi Stein, Marlene Sanders, Ed Brown, Jean Brown
Second row:  Alan Walden, Mike Forrest, Ray Rice, Bill Diehl
Third row:  Maria Forrest, Barbara Wasser, Mrs. Wasser, Al Wasser
Fourth row:  Phyllis Carr, Dick Carr, John Bohannon, Mike Stein, Andy Fisher, Mort Crim, Renee Crim, Sam Hall


Trattoria Dopo Teatro -Since Closed-
125 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036

Google Photo