10 thoughts on “Julie’s Birthday Anniversary”

  1. Thanks for the kind words about the arrangement. Much appreciated. Julie was just a pleasure to work with. Great singer with great ideas and , of course, a wonderful way of interpreting a lyric.

    1. In reply to Bill Waranoff.
      Sad to report the sudden passing yesterday of Larry Toppall, one of my best friends in the world. We met at the University of Miami in 1969 and have been friends ever since! Through the years “Chicken” Larry was a professional piano player, musical contractor, Broadway producer and much, much more. He was the living embodiment of Woody Allen’s character Broadway Danny Rose – a devotee of Yiddish Theater, a decades long member the Friars Club, as well as a two time Tony Award nominee for “Say Goodnight Gracie” (2003) and “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” (2014). And that’s just for starters. We had coffee together for the last time this past Monday in Manhattan. תנוח על משכבך בשלום RIP my friend.
      Bo Crane – bocrane@pandisc.com Cel 786-303-4544
      Services in Albany, NY 2pm Tuesday June 18th
      ZOOM link available

  2. From TIM MOORE
    The man could sing. Great cut you posted. Do you know who the arranger was?

    Reply: From EDWARD BROWN
    His “Just In Time,” in a CD titled: “Julius La Rosa Better Than Ever” was released in 1996 by AVALON RECORDS (a division of W & S Entertainment LLG) The arranger and conductor for the cut was Bill Waranoff. It is, among all the up-tempo versions I’ve ever heard, my all-time favorite. I keep the CD in the car and play “Just In Time,” all the time.

    From TIM MOORE
    Tim Thanks! It’s swingin and a great chart. In the days when the big band players knew how to play out. Dad was a huge fan of arrangers – Gordon Jenkins especially.

    Editor’s Note: Tim Moore’s Dad was Hal Moore, WNEW’s first wake-up morning man whose show went on-the-air in 1940.

    To this day, the thought of Julie, the sound of his voice on a recording, or the things he’d often say on WNEW: “Sadie’s brother,” “64 degrees and gloriously sunny in the WNEW area,” “Maria Lu-CHEE-ah LaRosa,” and many others, always bring a smile to my face. His warm, friendly personality came right through the radio! And if I happen to glance at the clock around 4 PM, when his WNEW show was ending, I smile to myself, almost hearing his signoff line: “Be good to yourself!”

    Thanks, Ed! Please keep up the great work with the website!

    Julie was one of the kindest co-workers I ever had. His smile lit up the room. He was unfailingly pleasant to me whenever we met. He complimented my high-school English teacher about what and how he had taught me, and made the man smile the only time I ever saw him smile. He never criticized Arthur Godfrey for firing him, despicably, ON THE AIR, but always spoke of what Godfrey had done for his career. He was everything that is good about Brooklyn, New York City, and WNEW.

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