Fans Recall Ted Brown
NY Daily News–3/26/05
A number of readers wrote to comment on the death last Sunday of longtime radio host Ted Brown.
This is from Frances Enrico of Brooklyn:
“Reading about Ted Brown’s passing brought back the fun days of radio. His breakfast broadcasts at the Automat on 42nd St. were the best. I used to arrive at the Automat at 5:30 a.m. and wait in the doorway until 6 a.m. when they opened the doors.
“About 10 days ago, I lifted a book and what fell out – a picture of Ted and Kitty Carlisle, who was a guest on his show. So I dug in a little further and there was a picture of Cher, Allen Jones and oh so many others. Ted, like Dean Anthony, will be sadly missed. Radio of yore is sadly missed.”