A Blue Chip Scribe

WNEW 1953-1958
Continuity writer and traffic reporter.
Producer, Bill Harrington/Roy Ross daily noon live musical hour.
Saturday’s taped Klavan and Finch show.
Sunday “Mitch Miller’s Money Record” & Art Ford’s “Recording Session.”
Weekly tapings of “Collins on a Cloud” and “The Purple Grotto.”
Dick Buckley and John Jaeger (George Brooks) create Metropolitan Broadcasting Company, and acquire WHK Cleveland; name me first program director.
Dick Buckley and John Jaeger (George Brooks) create Metropolitan Broadcasting Company, and acquire WHK Cleveland; name me first program director.
Return to N.Y. for start of new news operation when city newspapers went on strike. As the only news staffer with an AFTRA card, I was the only outside reporter for several months. I was also assigned to recruit prominent stock analysts to provide daily market reports. (after a couple years Lee Hanna said ‘Rudy, you now know as much as those guys and have a better voice so from now on the Wall Street Story is yours.)
Return to N.Y. for start of new news operation when city newspapers went on strike. As the only news staffer with an AFTRA card, I was the only outside reporter for several months. I was also assigned to recruit prominent stock analysts to provide daily market reports. (after a couple years Lee Hanna said ‘Rudy, you now know as much as those guys and have a better voice so from now on the Wall Street Story is yours.)
News Editor; succeeded Marlene Sanders as Ass’t News Director for Public Affairs, producing several award-winning Sunday News Closeups; Financial Editor.
News Editor; succeeded Marlene Sanders as Ass’t News Director for Public Affairs, producing several award-winning Sunday News Closeups; Financial Editor.
Theater Reviewer, for a couple of seasons. News Director till April Fool’s Day 1974.
My successor, Dick Stapleton, hired me as a part time newscaster later that same year. Stapleton was fired on April Fool’s Day 1975! I joined NBC Radio News in 1976. A year later I joined the Wall Street Journal, helped create the WSJ Radio Network, and then was drafted by Business Week as Broadcast Editor in 1981
Theater Reviewer, for a couple of seasons. News Director till April Fool’s Day 1974.
My successor, Dick Stapleton, hired me as a part time newscaster later that same year. Stapleton was fired on April Fool’s Day 1975! I joined NBC Radio News in 1976. A year later I joined the Wall Street Journal, helped create the WSJ Radio Network, and then was drafted by Business Week as Broadcast Editor in 1981
photos added by WNEW1130 AM editors