When Newspapers Die
Sorry — the cover is all we have.

Gabe Pressman
Gabe Pressman has died. He was 93. NY1 reported that he died in his sleep.
Gabe worked New York’s main streets and back alleys with note pad, mic and camera for about 60 years with the World Telegram and Sun, WNBC and WNBC-TV. Reproduced below is our posting for Gabe for his 90th birthday in 2014.
He Got There First
Mr. Nat Is Back
Nature Boy Redux
Nat Cole – Nature Boy
Julius La Rosa – Great American Songbook.
Irene Cornell
“Other Signals” — a feature (revived now after a long nap) is devoted to WNEW’s notable competitors and colleagues who were heard elsewhere on New York Radio and TV. Previously listed: Stan Brooks, Gabe Pressman.