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Sandy Becker Show – WABD-TV New York
The Other Willie B.
“I’m Martin Block, a radio announcer from California.”
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Dan McCue is Content Editor for Renewable Energy magazine.
Renewable Energy Magazine
Happy Birthday Jooolie! It’s #84
Happy Birthday, Julius LaRosa.
Bill Diehl, seen above with Julie in a late 90’s conversation, sent word today(1/2/14) by phone that Julie, on his 84th birthday, is recovering from a fractured ankle. “Otherwise,” says Julie, “I’m in OK health.” Says Bill, “I reminded him that my wife, Lorry, met his wife, Rory, back in the 1950’s when Rory was Perry Como’s secretary, and Lorry was president of the Perry Como fan club in New York.(and Julie was Perry’s summer TV replacement.) Julie recalled that when he told Como that he was engaged to Rory and gave her a ring and they’d soon be married, Julie quoted Perry as saying, ‘you (bleep), now you’ve taken my wonderful secretary.’ Julie and Rory have been married 57 years”
Stan Brooks
Stan Brooks, WINS, dies at 86. See “Other Signals”
Cow Palace Flashback
Somewhere inside San Francisco’s Cow Palace, between July 13 and July 16, 1964, during the Republican National Convention, WNEW’s Marlene Sander’s busy editing a reel of tape. The photo came via Bill Diehl from the files of Jerry Graham, WNEW News Director at the time, who died in April of this year.
Most memorable words spoken at that convention:
Barry Goldwater, as he was cheered.
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice — and let me remind you also, moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Nelson Rockefeller, as he was booed.
“This is still a free country, ladies and gentlemen.”
. . .and the memory lingers on
What’s NEW #5
WNEW’s 30th anniversary promotions in 1963, included a series of column-like newspapers ads placed in New York’s major dailies. The item below, which appeared in the Times, Journal, Tribune and News is the 5th “What’s NEW?” edition we’ve reconstructed from original clips collected by Bill Diehl.
Clicking on column will open it on a new page. Clicking on that image will enlarge it for easier reading.