Athlete, Activist, Mentor, Poet
By Frank Litsky
New York Times Published: September 20, 2002

Kyle Rote became celebrated as a football player, but at a memorial service yesterday at the Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan, he was also remembered as a social activist, a fund-raiser for charities, a mentor for young teammates and a soul-searching poet.
Rote played for the Giants from 1951 through 1961, helping them win the 1956 N.F.L. championship and four conference titles. He died Aug. 15 at 73.
Among those at the service were Wellington Mara, the Giants’ president; Allie Sherman, a former head coach; Lamar Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs and Rote’s teammate at Southern Methodist University; Roy Innis of the Congress of Racial Equality; and Kyle Rote Jr., a former professional soccer star.
Giants of the past like Frank Gifford, Y.A. Tittle, Andy Robustelli, Dick Lynch, Chuck Mercein, Bob Hyland and Tom Costello also attended.

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