I found this photo of Guy Lombardo at the WNEW mic in the July 1986 issue of Good Old Days magazine. Lombardo and his Royal Canadiens was billed as “the sweetest music this side of heaven.”

Starting in 1929 Lombardo broadcast live from the Roosevelt Hotel Grill until 1959 when he switched to the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria hotel, <where he played until 1976.>
I’m thinking this photo was at the Roosevelt. –Bill Diehl–
Guy Lombardo orchestras were heard on WNEW beginning in the station’s earliest days when Martin Black’s “Make Believe Ballroom” featured Lombardo orchestra recordings. Lombardo also headlined many live big band specials on WNEW including the live 1967 New Years Eve show featuring the orchestras of Duke Ellington and Count Basie and MCd by Ted Brown. –ECB–